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Streamlining Paper Processing for a Large Financial Institution

“Working with Hyperscience has been an absolute pleasure. They have gone above and beyond in helping us find solutions that work for our organization.”


Large financial institutions often grapple with the challenge of accurately and efficiently processing substantial volumes of paper forms. To meet this challenge, these organizations require a reliable and scalable OCR solution that can streamline workflows and optimize operational processes. Seeking such a solution, a leading financial institution turned to Hyperscience, a pioneer in hyperautomation technology.

The Challenge

This prominent financial institution faced the need for a more accurate and reliable solution than what their previous OCR solution provided to manage its intricate paper processing requirements. Their goal was to automate classification and data extraction processes to streamline paper processing as much as possible. Dissatisfied with traditional OCR solutions, they turned to Hyperscience for expertise.


Hyperscience provided the large financial institution with a robust hyperautomation solution tailored to address their paper processing challenges. By harnessing Hyperscience’s technology, the institution successfully automated the classification and data extraction of their paper forms, significantly reducing manual effort and enhancing accuracy.


The institution attributed several key benefits to their partnership with Hyperscience. Firstly, they achieved high accuracy rates, even with complex use cases for classification and routing, resulting in streamlined workflows and reduced manual intervention. Additionally, Hyperscience’s solution required minimal touchpoints, further enhancing efficiency. Automation of intricate forms and optimization of operational processes led to a substantial return on investment (ROI). By redistributing workloads and eliminating manual data entry, they could reallocate resources and improve overall productivity.

The large financial institution found Hyperscience’s technology to be powerful yet user-friendly. The solution offered a high level of customization, enabling them to tailor it to their specific use cases and reconsider their processes and form designs. Hyperscience’s technology simplified the complexities of OCR, making it accessible and easy to implement within their existing infrastructure. Throughout the implementation process, Hyperscience proved to be an exceptional partner. The Hyperscience team demonstrated a deep understanding of the institution’s unique requirements, finding or building solutions that seamlessly integrated with their operations. The collaboration was marked by open communication, responsiveness, and a shared commitment to achieving success.


Through collaboration with Hyperscience, this large financial institution successfully streamlined their paper processing workflows and achieved significant operational improvements. Hyperscience’s hyperautomation solution delivered highly accurate capabilities, reduced manual effort, and optimized their processes, resulting in substantial ROI. The institution could reallocate resources and enhance productivity. As organizations across industries seek to automate and optimize their operations, Hyperscience’s hyperautomation technology offers a compelling solution. With its user-friendly interface, customization options, and exceptional support, Hyperscience empowers organizations to transform their paper processing workflows and achieve tangible results.

Watch this short platform demo to see how Hyperscience leverages proprietary Machine Learning to extract data from complex documents.

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